Customize your Board
The Setup page is broken down into four quadrants of administrator functionality: Customization, Email, Sharing, & Additional Settings. In the Setup page, you can:
Set Board name: This is what your employees will call Airbo. If you decide to change it, make sure to update the other fields listed below so there isn't confusion. Here are some Board names that other companies have used. Inspired by Looney Tunes, we've used the word "ACME" in place of a sample company name:
ACME Highlights
ACME Weekly
ACME HR e-Board
ACME Human Resources Bulletin Board
ACME Community Board
ACME Airbo
Add your logo: It's shown in the upper left hand corner of Airbo and in tile digest emails.
Add your main brand color: Hex code of main color that will be viewable to other users.
Customize Board email: The email address your users will receive emails from.
Customize Board 'From' name: Name your email comes from. We'd set this to be whatever you think will generate the best email open rate. Sometimes, your own name may be the best choice.
Customize the welcome message: Introductory message your users will see when they first join the Board.
Adjust Board Time Zone: The timezone in which your organization operates.
Customize the Board URL: Short link to your Board. Note: If changing the URL you need to add a "-" between each word.